Kenner says farewell to the Treasure Chest riverboat casino in the most New Orleans fashion – WWLTV.com
Provided by Casino Marousi – Καζίνο Μαρούσι
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KENNER, La. — Loyal patrons said goodbye to the Treasure Chest Casino Riverboat in the most New Orleans fashion – with a second line.
The riverboat casino has been a staple in Kenner for the last 30 years and now retires as the all-new Treasure Chest land-based Casino is just over the levee and will have its grand opening on June 6.
To celebrate 30 years aboard the Treasure Chest Casino Riverboat, all aboard participated in a second line through the casino.
On Saturday at midnight, the last bet was placed aboard the floating casino ending the three-decade-long run for the riverboat casino and ushering in the new land-based Treasure Chest Casino.
The new location features a 48,000-square-foot casino floor, 8,000 square feet of convention space, and four restaurants.
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Provided by Casino Marousi – Καζίνο Μαρούσι
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