Former MGM National Harbor blackjack dealer charged with conspiring with players to cheat – WTOP
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Scott Gelman |
June 6, 2024, 5:05 PM
A former MGM National Harbor employee is facing theft and embezzlement charges after being accused of conspiring with at least three people to cheat during her time working there as a blackjack dealer.
During a news conference Thursday, Prince George’s County State’s Attorney Aisha Braveboy said 31-year-old Jamie Smith engaged in a theft scheme at the Maryland casino. Between Oct. 2 and Oct. 8, 2023, Smith is accused of letting players at her table see cards before deciding what to bet and allowing them to change their bets after the play occurred.
Smith also failed to collect on losing bets, Braveboy said.
“Economic crimes are very, very damaging,” Braveboy said. “They’re damaging to companies, they’re damaging to institutions and individuals.”
An MGM investigator unveiled the scheme after reviewing surveillance footage. MGM lost about $43,350 as a result of it, according to Braveboy, who added the incident also has consequences for Maryland public schools.
MGM and other casinos in the state pay into the Education Trust Fund, which is used to fund services for Maryland students.
“In a sense, stealing from any casino like MGM is like stealing from our children,” Braveboy said.
The case, Braveboy said, is the first of its kind during her tenure. Usually, cases tied to MGM National Harbor involve snatch-and-grabs, fights or other things that happen on casino property, sometimes including violent incidents.
“It’s not unique, but it’s certainly unusual,” said Joel Patterson, an assistant state’s attorney in Braveboy’s office.
Smith is being charged with theft, theft scheme and conspiracy to commit a theft scheme. She’s also facing an embezzlement charge, “because she was working as an employee of the casino, and it was her responsibility to make sure that that money was handled appropriately,” Patterson said.
If convicted, Smith faces up to 10 years in prison.
In a statement, MGM National Harbor said it has protocols in place that allowed staff to quickly identify and report Smith to law enforcement.
“At MGM National Harbor, we have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to these matters and agree with prosecuting this individual to the fullest extent of the law.”
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Scott Gelman is a digital editor and writer for WTOP. A South Florida native, Scott graduated from the University of Maryland in 2019. During his time in College Park, he worked for The Diamondback, the school’s student newspaper.
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