Police bust illegal gambling operation in Westminster; seize drugs, knives and cash – CBS News
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By KCAL-News Staff
/ KCAL News
Early Wednesday morning, Westminster police detectives served a search warrant at a Westminster home and uncovered an extensive illegal gambling operation.
Around 6:30 a.m. detectives searched the home, referred to as a slaphouse, in the 15800 block of Quartz Street which led to 12 people detained and four arrests.
“We found two gambling rooms containing multiple electronic table games,” said Westminster Police Department Sergeant Eddie Esqueda. “We found drugs, drug paraphernalia and some bladed hand weapons.”
They discovered two rooms were converted into gaming dens with about eight video games and electronic tabletop games, $3,000 cash, methamphetamine and fentanyl, knives, and swords.
Police say that the illegal operation was advertised to the public by fliers hung around various neighborhoods.
The KCAL News Staff is a group of experienced journalists who bring you the content on KCALNews.com and CBSLA.com.
First published on May 10, 2023 / 11:12 AM PDT
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